The TRACOM Group is The Social Intelligence Company. We change the world by helping individuals and organizations achieve their vision. Our SOCIAL STYLE, Behavioral EQ and Adaptive Mindset assessments and courses help people create amazing relationships and build high performing organizations. Most leaders recognize that their organization’s success is built on the capabilities of their people, but often don’t understand how to maximize that potential in today’s fast-paced world. They invest in functional skills or generic leadership training without ever considering how to develop the full potential of each person. Social Intelligence is the realization of this true potential in individuals, teams and entire organizations.
We enhance organizational performance with interpersonal skills-based development solutions covering the core aspects of the individual: Behavioral Style, Emotional Intelligence and Mindset. By focusing on these three elements, each person can learn to thrive in the workplace, even in the face of rapid technological shifts and organizational changes. TRACOM is the only company with a complete Social Intelligence solution that covers all three core elements of the individual to help people become more effective in all areas of life.
Social Intelligence is all about discovering and building effective solutions to the most pressing challenges of modern business and employee development. Social Intelligence training gets at the core of the individual by focusing on the most effective aspects of our personalities, interactions and relationships.